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Lindsey Wade Finds Missing Children

What happens when a child goes missing? Every second counts and law enforcement needs to know exactly what to do to improve the chances the victim will be found alive. Enter Lindsey Wade, a veteran detective from Tacoma, Washington. Lindsey travels the country training officers on child abduction response and what to do in those crucial seconds, minutes, and hours after a child goes missing. Today, she joins Detectives Dan and Dave to talk about what she teaches, the critical information parents need to know, and her work as a cold case detective.

All Due Respect

Cops and defense attorneys sit on opposite sides in the courtroom. So, what happens when you put them at the same table? In today’s briefing, we find out. Detective Dave welcomes Public Defender Lissa to talk about why she left the prosecutor’s office to become a defender of the accused, how she does her job, and what she feels is the common ground in the fight for justice – hint, it’s spelled r-e-s-p-e-c-t.